Windsor Pointe Community Association
Property Managed by
Above & Beyond Community Management, Inc.
507 Airport North Office Park, Fort Wayne IN 46825-6705
Phone 260-490-2226 ~ Fax 260-489-3473
Thank You!
The purpose of the Windsor Pointe Community Association is to promote the recreation, health, safety, welfare, benefit and enjoyment of the homeowners within the community. The Association strives to ensure that Windsor Pointe is preserved principally for high quality residential use.
We encourage and support the development and improvement of services and facilities required and necessary for the support of Windsor Pointe; we oppose the intrusion of forces and elements that are inimical to the perpetuation of the high standard and quality of life associated with Windsor Pointe.
We maintain liaison with local government bodies and agencies in order to be alert and assist in courses of action that are beneficial to Windsor Pointe and its residents. Within the limits of our authority, we exercise vigilance in planning and development, zoning, streets and drainage, water and sewer, utility and other capital improvement matters so that the rights and interests of the majority of the residents of Windsor Pointe are sustained and supported.
Christopher Ford (exp 2025)
Vice President:
Mogan David (exp 2027)
Elaine Klappal (exp 2026)
City of New Haven
State of Indiana